Comprehensive advice for those trying to sell a home

3 min read

Selling a house often involves putting it up for sale, receiving an offer from a prospective buyer quickly, and then handing over the keys and cash. This simple solution is the ideal scenario. When selling a home, there are several moving parts, some of which you can control and others over which you have no say.

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Where you reside may impact several aspects of selling a property

How long it remains on the market and how much money you earn. Areas with many competitors but few alternatives tend to sell fast and for a premium price. However, sellers in locations where housing sales have stalled may have to put in more time and effort to attract a buyer.

The two years after the coronavirus pandemic saw unprecedented growth in the property market, resulting in record-high prices, fierce bidding wars, and a severe shortage of available properties. That’s why it’s up to you, the seller, to be flexible and in command of the factors that might make or break your bottom line. A faster sale at a better price may be possible if you hire a competent real estate agent and take steps to increase your home’s online appeal.

House Buyers company

How to Choose the Best Broker

How you sell your house will depend on how well you choose a broker. Don’t choose the first broker you meet. Ask at least three brokers for their thoughts, and have them show you around similar homes that have recently sold. Ask some of the people who have bought from them before. If you can, take a look at the homes they sell. Also, ensure that your broker has an easy-to-use website and uses all the available property portals.

Think about how your house looks from the street

Your home’s outside should look warm and inviting. If the front of the shop looks good, people will only bother to go inside. You should repaint the outside of your house and clean up the garden. If there is a lawn, the grass should be cut. Putting flower pots in the right places outside can significantly affect a home’s curb appeal.

Have a clean house

It’s best to have a spotless home. Keep a little dust from ruining your sales potential. Ensure the windows are clean, the floors are scrubbed, the mirrors are shiny, and the sink and tub faucets are not tarnished.

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